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History of the company

  • 2022

    Jet RuLab Launch

    The Jet RuLab testing lab for Russian IT solutions was created to assist companies with selecting promising and compatible Russian IT solutions in 14 different fields. The lab makes it possible for users to acquaint themselves with various products available in the Russian marketplace and receive advice on their integration from Jet Infosystems specialists.

    VDI Showroom Launch

    A newly-opened showroom showcases the various Russian virtualization and virtual desktop systems (VDI) available for integration.

    IT infrastructure for the Roitberg Clinic

    We have equipped the JSC «Medicina» Institute of Nuclear Medicine in Khimki with a set of IT solutions including a data storage system, information security, Wi-Fi 6 and multimedia. This project will enable high-quality diagnostics and make it possible to treat various cancerous diseases more efficiently in Russia.

    LLC Credit Bureau «Russky Standard»

    We have seamlessly migrated 17 databases with a total volume of 18 TB to a new data center for Credit Bureau «Russky Standard» (CBRS). Rapid migration (no more than a week) of the company’s MSSQL and PostgreSQL databases was especially important to the success of this project.

    JSCB «Almazergienbank» JSC

    In this project, we introduced a comprehensive monitoring system to ensure operational reliability in accordance with the Bank of Russia’s requirements. As part of this monitoring system, specialists conduct audits of IT infrastructure and develop recommendations for the prevention of service failures.

    Creating the «Digital Lab of Occupational Safety»

    In collaboration with the Ministry of Labor of Russia, we have helped to open the Digital Laboratory for Occupational Safety at Skolkovo. The Lab’s purpose is to find, test and approbate technical solutions in labour safety and industrial security for industrial enterprises.

    Implementing an omnichannel platform for Beeline in Kyrgyzstan

    We have implemented an omnichannel platform at two data centers for Sky Mobile LLC contact center (the Beeline trademark in Kyrgyzstan). This project boosted the efficiency of the contact center, making it possible for the telecom company to evaluate and improve the work of its operators.

    Launching «Shturval» – a new Russian IT product for container management based on Kubernetes

    Shturval is aimed at the creation and management of container orchestration clusters based on Kubernetes, and of network access to application services and role model-based access to cluster resources. In addition, the platform provides for the monitoring of the status of clusters’ system components and application services, and sets various configurations by taking account of specific information security requirements. The Shturval platform has been added to the Register of Russian software products.

    Information Security Development Strategy for Irkutsk Oil Company (IOC)

    We have carried out a comprehensive audit of the current status of information security at Irkutsk Oil Company, including an analysis of the efficiency of information security tools, personnel and methodological components. We have also performed an audit of the IT infrastructure for configuration security. Within the framework of this project, testing imitated penetration attacks by real hackers, in order to search and root out security vulnerabilities in external and internal perimeters and wireless networks.

    Projects for Rusagro Group

    We worked together with the Rusagro Group to plan and develop a system for timely harvest. The chosen solution prevents crop damage by optimizing agronomists’ work schedules and the use of expensive agricultural equipment.
  • 2021

    Jet Infosystems 30 year Anniversary

    In honor of our company’s 30th anniversary, Jet Infosystems launched a website where archival photos from 1991 and video congratulations from key customers can be viewed. Contributors to this material included: Rostelecom, Otkritie Bank, Russian Standard Bank, Post Bank, Absolut Bank, Detsky Mir, Prosveshchenie, NSPK JSC, and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

    Container Management System for Sberbank in Kazakhstan

    We have implemented a container management system for Sberbank, Kazakhstan. The migration to containerization technologies will help the bank improve its remote services. This solution already supports the online banking services used by more than 850,000 people.

    IT Strategy for Vologda Regional Energy Company

    In this project, Jet Infosystems conducted an audit and identified IT infrastructure and information security development vectors. While the map of IT infrastructure modernization projects which was developed will help the company reduce IT costs and increase the availability and reliability of critical services, proposed information security initiatives will help ensure the reliable protection of assets and processes.

    Unified Data Center for Otkritie Financial Group

    As part of this project, Jet helped Otkritie make the transition from disparate infrastructure to a unified solution based on its highly accessible and centralized proprietary data center. This consolidated data center solution has thus accelerated the adoption of new financial services, helped cut computing power ownership costs, and increased the availability and reliability of existing applications. The data center is fully ready for rapid growth in business and customer demand.

    Private cloud for Rosbank

    Rosbank, together with the Jet Infosystems, is creating a private cloud to help the bank significantly accelerate Time-To-Market: developers will have access to infrastructure services within a few minutes and will be able to create new products faster. Furthermore, Rosbank will be able to more accurately calculate the resource consumption of its various departments. The private cloud management platform is built on an open-source software stack, reducing project payback period to two years.

    Smart Analytics to improve School Safety in Krasnodar

    Jet Infosystems has implemented a software and hardware system with video analytics in a Krasnodar school. This project will improve the security of the educational institution and prevent access by unauthorized persons.

    Jet Infosystems has implemented a software and hardware system with video analytics in a Krasnodar school. This project will improve the security of the educational institution and prevent access by unauthorized persons.

    Specialists from Rosbank’s Security Operation Center (SOC) completed a two-day cyber training seminar on the Jet CyberCamp platform, Jet Infosystems' proprietary cyber training ground. In this simulation, the bank's security specialists were investigating a major attack. The cyber training was held under the guidance of instructor-practitioners – pentesters and analysts from the Jet CSIRT Monitoring and Response Center.
  • 2019–2020

    Breakthrough projects

    The new OSAGO information system was launched in Russia based on secure IT infrastructure from Jet Infosystems. In addition, together with VimpelCom the company conducted the first tests in Russia of Non-IP Data Delivery technology, that makes it possible to extend the life of IoT devices. Large-scale artificial intelligence projects were implemented, including a fault prediction system for Segezha Group and a Data Lake for NLMK.

    Jet Infosystems also implemented more than 1500 service contracts in the outsourcing market, with a total value of 2.3 billion rubles, solidying the company’s positions in its core segment. In a project for a telecom operator, specialists took over the maintenance of more than 3000 server units, 5000 UNIX and Windows operating systems, 150 virtualization systems and hundreds of data storage, local area network and engineering equipment systems.

    A leader in Russia

    The company's revenue at the end of 2019 was up by by 25% sequentially at 31.1 billion rubles, making it the most successful year in 30 years of operation. Thanks to this result, Jet Infosystems was rated among the best companies in Russia in the RBC TOP-500 and RAEX TOP-600 ratings.

    Jet Infosystems was also recognized by IDC as an IT outsourcing leader in Russia with 24% growth in this area over the year.

    Our priority projects span large-scale end-to-end outsourcing, infrastructure and security. In more than 30 years on the market, we have built up survival skills during several financial crises, through sanctions and even a fire, when in a single day we lost our entire office and data center. We were able to quickly adapt to working in a changed environment and help deliver the solutions our customers needed to develop their businesses.

    Vladimir Eliseev

    CEO of Jet Infosystems

  • 2018

    Modernization of polar data centers

    This unique infrastructure modernization project covered four data centers in Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division and Kola MMC. The works were carried out in extreme weather conditions, with temperatures as low as -55°.

    Transformation of in-house IT infrastructure

    The transformation of the company’s own IT infrastructure became a landmark project, with migration to a new local and Wi-Fi network, construction of an additional data center, migration of systems to a private cloud, and introduction of a unified communications system. All projects were implemented seamlessly, without disruption to business processes.

    Jet CSIRT and DevSecOps lab

    New areas were identified for development of the information security department, including Jet CSIRT, Russia's first incident response and monitoring center, and the DevSecOps laboratory combining expertise from several company centers.

  • 2017

    14 000 virtual workplaces

    A virtualization project unlike any other in the banking sector - the transfer of 14000 VTB Group employees to virtual workstations using VDI technology. The company’s infrastructure was also integrated with a range of different business systems in accordance with corporate standards and security policies.

    RAIF - the First Russian Artificial Intelligence Forum

    Jet Infosystems held RAIF, the first Russian forum on artificial intelligence. RAIF has become an annual event that unites more than 300 business and IT representatives of large organizations.

    Information Security Innovations

    The company has developed several innovative information security systems, like machine-learning based anti-fraud Jet Detective, Jet Centurion for decision-making support, Jet Pluton network intrusion detection complex and Jet Signal information security management system.

  • 2014–2016

    Mir payment system

    This large and unique project was implemented in just 7 months. Jet Infosystems created the IT infrastructure covering the entire country for national payment system Mir. Huawei-based data centers were created in two months, success that marked fruitful, long-term cooperation with the Chinese vendor.

    Wi-Fi at Domodedovo airport and anti-fraud for X5

    Jet Infosystems provided unlimited Wi-Fi from 360 access points for passengers at Domodedovo airport and created the largest anti-fraud solution in the Russian retail sector for X5 Retail Group. As a result, the company’s workforce grew to 1500 people, and Solar Security, a subsidiary for information security outsourcing and product development was established.

  • 2009–2013

    Banking from scratch

    One of the world’s largest outsourcing projects - the launch of Leto Bank (currently Pochta Bank). Jet Infosystems specialists enabled the start of business operations in a mere three months following the decision to launch the bank, and 260 infrastructures were built in new branches in just a year, with 1200 points of sale and 3200 workplaces launched at more than 400 locations across Russia.

    Winning in Africa

    The company’s activities extend well beyond the borders of Russia. Jet Infosystems created a payment system for Globacom mobile operator in Nigeria. Internally, the first ever Children’s Open Day was held, a unified corporate portal for employees was launched alongside the Yota service model - a real-time traffic management complex for 1.5 million subscribers.

  • 2005–2008

    Unique payment system software

    Jet Infosystems executed its first project for development of high-load software for a subscriber payment receipt system for VimpelCom. We created the unique Beepay XP service, which enables 500 transactions per second, with three options for subscribers to top-up their accounts. The system is still in operation and is maintained by our experts. In addition, we also created the world's largest disaster recovery and continuity program for VimpelCom.

    New branches and technical areas

    The company's geography has expanded significantly with branches in Vladivostok, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Ukraine. Also, new structural units were formed - the Network Solutions Center and the Software Solutions Center.

  • 2002–2004

    Jet Infosystems and the Big Three

    Cooperation with major telecom operators includes a support service contract with MTS covering branches throughout Russia. Protection against downtime, failures and financial losses, server maintenance and round-the-clock infrastructure support were implemented for Megafon. 17 data processing centers were built in Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan for VimpelCom, and a disaster recovery program was implemented and IT outsourcing performed.

    Business systems implementation center and the Yekaterinburg branch

    Jet Infosystems launched its first CRM implementation projects, including Siebel at UniCredit Bank, and SAP at the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development. A Jet Infosystems branch was opened in Yekaterinburg. The company was also awarded the two unique statuses - Qualified Support Partner from Brocade Communications Systems, and Platinum Partner of Hitachi Data Systems.

  • 1998-2001

    Digitalization of Moscow

    Large-scale projects implemented for the Moscow government include a corporate network for 1200 workstations at the State Tax Inspectorate, the first Russian computing center with a Sun Enterprise 10000 super-server for tax data processing, and development of a unified system for the Federal Migration Service. During this period, an important social project was also completed - with automation of the 01 dispatching solution for the fire service.

    The first data storage centers in Russia

    Jet Infosystems built two data centers for mobile operator MTS, and also implemented SAN technologies - the first data storage networks in Russia.

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