To prepare IT infrastructure for implementation of the banks’ digital transformation strategy -
To assess the current state of the bank's IT infrastructure and provide optimization recommendations
- Revision of the overall approach to IT infrastructure, elimination of bottlenecks that hinder digital transformation and development, and creation of a roadmap for IT development.
Jet Infosystems experts studied the computing systems, data storage systems and the data storage network in three separate data centers. The bank had implemented a disaster recovery concept, which Jet Infosystem’s separately assessed, including how interaction had been arranged between the sites, quality of failure response processes and the use of best practices in this area. Additionally, our specialists studied IT infrastructure maintenance processes, both by reviewing documentation and by interviewing representatives of the bank's IT department and various business divisions. We evaluated Loko-Bank’s IT infrastructure using the following main criteria: reliability, performance, scalability and optimal IT costs for reaching required service quality standards.
Based on the results of our analysis, Jet Infosystems experts identified the strengths of the bank's IT infrastructure, as well various technological risks. We then made recommendations as to the IT infrastructure optimization needed in order to achieve a state that meets current and future business requirements.
Safety margin for 5 years
Data storage system consolidation and server fleet renewal provided
30% Reduction
In IT equipment maintenance costs
A roadmap of projects
has been developed based on the bank’s business objectives